The Religion and Geography Symposium II

The Religion and Geography Symposium II 

The Religion and Geography Symposium II, the first of which was held last year in cooperation with Hitit University Faculty of Divinity and Hitit University Islamic Sciences Research and Application Center, was held on 03-04 October 2024 at our faculty Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Conference Hall with the theme “History of Islamic Geography after the 4th/10th Century.”

Thirty-seven papers were presented by 39 academicians from 21 universities. Deputy Governor Muhammed Gürbüz, Provincial Mufti Şahin Yıldırım and Hitit University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Halil İbrahim Şimşek also participated in the opening program of the symposium.

Faculty of Divinity faculty member and Chairman of the Symposium Organizing Committee Prof. Dr. Cemil Hakyemez and Dean of the Faculty of Divinity Prof. Dr. İsmail Bulut drew attention to the importance of interdisciplinary studies in the context of the relationship between Religion and Geography in their opening speeches. In the opening session moderated by Prof. Dr. İsmail Bulut, Prof. Dr. Yavuz Unat, Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlhami Danış and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nihal Şahin Utku provided important information and evaluations about astronomy, geography and maritime studies in the history of Islamic science.

In the symposium, a number of valuable papers were presented on methodological discussions, seafaring, the use of digital systems in Islamic history, geography and civilization studies, important representatives of the Islamic geography tradition and their works, pilgrimage routes, important regions such as Egypt, travelers and Ottoman geography.

The Religion and Geography Symposium II, titled “The History of Islamic Geography after the 4th/10th Century”, was appreciated by both the participants and the audience, just like the first symposium.

