Quality Policies

Our faculty, which has a long-standing background,

With the aim of being a reliable and preferred faculty, and with the understanding of fully addressing the needs and expectations in education and academic studies,

To continuously improve education, research, and service processes to provide for the expectations of internal and external shareholders and to produce solutions for social problems,

To enable all academic staff to use their abilities at the highest level within the scope of quality systems and to continuously increase the quality level by producing pioneering studies and projects,

To cultivate students who gain problem-solving ability at undergraduate and graduate levels, have high representation talents, internalized moral values, and have the mentality to create a better and more peaceful world,

It is committed to being a leading faculty at international standards with the quality of all its activities, knowledge, and experience.

Quality Policies for Sub-Aims

Corporate Governance Policy

Our faculty adopts a corporate governance policy that;

Effectively uses communication networks that will ensure the spread of corporate values and corporate culture,

Carries out a merit-based human resources management in line with the mission and vision of our institution,

Supports the personal and career development of employees, evaluates their performance, and conducts training plans within the scope of human resources planning.


Our faculty adopts an education policy that;

Is shaped around an effective and sustainable education-teaching approach focused on students and quality,

Has a command of tradition, open to innovation, integrated with national and international contemporary standards, 

Aims to raise individuals who are researching, questioning, open to innovations, responsible, and guided by moral values,

Develops students’ social, cultural, and academic competencies with extracurricular activities and projects that support the current curriculum,

Prioritizes internationalization at all levels, 

Gives importance to the opinions and satisfaction of shareholders from all walks of life.

Research and Development

Our faculty adopts a research-development policy that;

Provides scientific and socio-cultural contributions at local, regional, national, and international levels,

Encourages multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary research,

Supports faculty-shareholder institution cooperation,

Gives importance to research-development studies such as scientific publications.

Community Service

Our faculty adopts a community service policy that;

Produces solutions by identifying the needs of the society in which they live with the awareness of serving the society,

Collaborates with its shareholders in services aimed at contributing to society, 

Carries shareholder satisfaction to the highest level and respecting social values,

Conducts social responsibility and volunteering activities effectively,

Trains qualified people within the framework of these values and aim at a stronger society.


Our faculty adopts an internationalization policy that;

Creates a rich educational atmosphere by increasing the number of international students and faculty members,

Is effective and visible in international scientific networks by increasing the number of international publications and projects,

Constantly increases the number of students and faculty members participating in international exchange programs,

Makes our faculty a faculty at international standards.

Recognition Activities

Our Faculty adopts a policy that;

Organizes national and international scientific and cultural events,

Engages activities through social media tools,

Encourages projects on social problems through the Islamic Sciences Research Center,

Increases the indexes in which the Faculty Journal is scanned.

