Program Outcomes

Recognizes classical and current sources in the field, and has theoretical and practical,

Explains the main knowledge, terms, ideas and their historical processes in the field.

Identify and analyze individual and social-religious problems and find solutions based on research and evidence by using the knowledge and skills gained in the field.

To be able to create a philosophy of life-long learning by understanding religion-individualsociety relations in the proper way.

Uses the Turkish language correctly in oratory and oral/written communication.

To be able to use Arabic and a Western language (at the general level of European Language Portfolio B1) to understand classical-modern texts related to the fields.

Selects/develops and uses appropriate educational methods and technological materials for the studies related to the field.

Analyzes the importance of religion in the life of the individual and society, the intellectual and operational forms of religious beliefs and experiences.

Behaves in accordance with scientific, social and ethical values in the process of collecting, analyzing and publishing scientific data related to the field.

Conducts independent projects by establishing a relationship between their field and other fields of science or takes an effective role in projects as a team member.

To identify the schools/movements in Islamic thought, to compare the ideas of the schools, and to analyze them with an objective and critical perspective.

Carries out volunteering / social responsibility activities for the socialization and rehabilitation of people of different beliefs and disadvantaged groups of society (disabled, prisoners, sick and elderly, widows and orphans).

To plan activities for the individual and professional development of the people under their responsibility.

Understands national, spiritual and moral values and acts as a role model in the implementation of these values in society.

Uses systematic, coherent, critical and creative thinking skills in accordance with changing life and innovation.

Previous Program Outcomes

Recognizes classical and current literature in the field and has theoretical and practical knowledge supported by other literature.

To be able to read, understand and teach the Holy Qur'an.

Understands and analyzes the main knowledge, terms, ideas and historical processes in the field of theology.

Uses the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in the field of theology in the fields of research, education, religious services and community service.

To be able to identify and analyze individual, social and even global problems and find solutions based on research and evidence by using the knowledge and skills acquired in the field.

Gains the ability to understand and make sense of religion-individual-society relations properly and creates a life-long learning philosophy.

Guides people of different beliefs and disadvantaged groups of society (disabled, prisoners, sick and elderly, widows and orphans) with the ability of right thinking and reasoning.

Using Arabic and a Western language at a level (European Language Portfolio B1 general level) to understand classical and modern texts related to their field and to express themselves orally and in writing.

Uses modern educational methods and technological materials in activities related to the field.

To be able to comprehend Turkish-Islamic history and to develop their skills in the field of Islamic arts and literature.

Comprehends schools, theories and problems in the field of philosophy and religious sciences.

Analyzes the importance of religion in individual and social life, the intellectual and operational forms of religious beliefs and experiences.

To be able to act in accordance with scientific, cultural, social and ethical values in the process of collecting, interpreting and using scientific data related to the field.

To be able to act in accordance with scientific, cultural, social and ethical values in the process of collecting, interpreting and applying data related to the field.

To develop the ability and capacity of systematic, coherent, critical and creative thinking and to analyze from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Recognizes national, spiritual and moral values and becomes a role model in the practice of these values in society.

